Qualification details
BCS Level 2 Certificate in IT User Skills (ECDL Extra) (ITQ) (QCF)
Qualification summary
The aim of this qualification is to recognise the application of a range of IT user skills and knowledge in the workplace, meeting employer workforce demands. The flexibility of the ITQ will enable individuals’ skills to be adapted for a specific work based activity and/or employer requirement.The ITQ allows for flexibility and choice. Learners and employers can identify the most appropriate units and levels of skills to meet their needs in the workplace and candidates can have a range of competences recognised at lower or higher levels than the base level chosen, where appropriate.
This qualification can also incorporate elements from the internationally recognised ECDL or Digital Creator qualifications.
Qualification details
Qualification reference number 500/6242/6
Awarding body BCS - The British Computer Society
Qualification level 2
Qualification type QCF - QCF Qualification
Qualification dates
Accreditation start date:
Operational start date in centres:
Accreditation end date:
Certification end date:
Qualification offered in and the approved age ranges
For information on the approval of qualifications for funding in England , Wales and Northern Ireland , see the links to DCSF, DIUS, DCELLS, DELNI and DENI below.
When undertaking a qualification that does not appear on the governments' lists as eligible for funding for specific age ranges, users must be aware of legal requirements. Not all qualifications are suitable for all age ranges.
When undertaking a qualification that does not appear on the governments' lists as eligible for funding for specific age ranges, users must be aware of legal requirements. Not all qualifications are suitable for all age ranges.
For further information on 14-19 qualifications offered in England , please refer to the DCSF Section 96 website.
For further information on 19+ qualifications offered inEngland , please refer to the DIUS Section 97 website.
For further information on 19+ qualifications offered in
For further information on Wales , visit the DCELLS website.
Languages Offered In English
This qualification is based on the National Occupational Standards for IT User as defined by e-skills UK . This enables the learner's achievements to be benchmarked against national standards in order for a greater level of recognition across employers.
The ITQ will allow for progression across BCS's IT User qualifications at different levels and will complement other vocational qualifications. Units from this qualification can contribute to ITQ at different levels or be used towards qualifications in other subject areas.
The ITQ will allow for progression across BCS's IT User qualifications at different levels and will complement other vocational qualifications. Units from this qualification can contribute to ITQ at different levels or be used towards qualifications in other subject areas.
Potential job occupations
- Administrative Assistant/Administrator
- Computer Operator
- DTP Operator
- IT Trainer
- Personal Assistant (PA)
Qualification Purpose
D. Confirm occupational competence and/or ‘licence to practice’
Qualification Sub-Purposes
D1. Confirm competence in an occupational role to the standards required
Qualification sector/subject area -Qualification sub-areas
- 06 Information and Communication Technology
- 06.2 ICT for Users
Qualification credit value 16
Minimum credit to be achieved at, or above, the level of the qualification 16
Qualification guided learning hours 120
Diploma Guided Learning Hours 120
Overall grading system for the qualification Pass
Unit assessment methods
- Aural Examination
- Coursework
- E-assessment
- Multiple Choice Examination
- Oral Examination
- Portfolio of Evidence
- Practical Demonstration / Assignment
- Practical Examination
- Task-based controlled assessment
- Written Examination
Requirements other than the award of credit that need to be met before the qualification is awarded N/A
Exemptions N/A
Assessment requirements specified by the sector or regulatory bodies at unit level that apply to this qualification
The qualification will be awarded upon successful completion of all units within a valid rule of combination. There are no other assessment requirements other than those specified for the relevant units. BCS will adopt the assessment strategy as defined by e-skills UK for this qualification. The IT User Assessment Strategy is available from www.e-skills.com
Qualification structure summary
This qualification has a fixed combination of units. Upon successful completion of all units the qualification will be awarded. The learner must achieve 16 credits in order to be awarded this qualification.
Qualification structure
- A - Mandatory Units
Credit Value required: Minimum 16, Maximum 16.
Sub-components required: Minimum 4, Maximum 4.
Sub-components required: Minimum 4, Maximum 4.
- J/502/4156 - Improving Productivity Using IT
- M/502/4622 - Presentation Software
- F/502/4625 - Spreadsheet Software
- R/502/4628 - Word Processing Software